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Blog Oklahoma Podcast

Welcome to Blog Oklahoma 

The Blog Oklahoma Podcast is an open topic podcast, so I'm likely to talk about anything. Mostly though, I'll share writing, blogging, podcasting, and other tech information; attempt to keep everyone up on Oklahoma current events, especially when it's time to go vote; highlight some of Oklahoma's fascinating history; and I'll also let everyone in on my day to day life here in the Great State of Oklahoma.

And as always, thank you for listening to the Blog Oklahoma Podcast. – K. Latham

For show notes and more information about our podcast, please visit

Aug 23, 2009

It's that time of year once again that is both joyous and frustrating for young and old alike. It's back to school time for Oklahoma. It's joyous to see all your school friends again, and frustrating to have to get up before noon now. It's joyous to see your children off to school for another year of education and growth. It's frustrating because one you'll miss them, and two its so damn hard to get them out of bed, dressed, and out to meet the bus some mornings.

Please keep in mind on your daily commute to work that all the school zones are now active once again. So please keep an eye out for those kids walking to school or getting on or off the school bus. Let's had a safe and wonderful school year.

In the News:
Some of the latest headlines from the Oklahoma blog-o-sphere and (Bum Bum Buuuum) the main stream media. This Week in Oklahoma History: Links mentioned in this episode: Music: