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Blog Oklahoma Podcast

Welcome to Blog Oklahoma 

The Blog Oklahoma Podcast is an open topic podcast, so I'm likely to talk about anything. Mostly though, I'll share writing, blogging, podcasting, and other tech information; attempt to keep everyone up on Oklahoma current events, especially when it's time to go vote; highlight some of Oklahoma's fascinating history; and I'll also let everyone in on my day to day life here in the Great State of Oklahoma.

And as always, thank you for listening to the Blog Oklahoma Podcast. – K. Latham

For show notes and more information about our podcast, please visit

Nov 7, 2008

Trying something different in this week's podcast. Joining me is Chad Henderson of and David Lodge of The Last Exit to Babylon in our first group cast.

  • Review of presidential election.
  • Election media coverage.
  • Oklahoma Magazine's 75 Great Oklahoma Websites.
  • Chad & David list some of their favorite blogs...

Nov 1, 2008

This is going to be a short episode of the Blog Oklahoma Podcast.   
Go Vote on November 4, 2008

Giant Monster  by  Tom Smith

Show Links:

Voice Mail Drop:


Oct 27, 2008

I really love fall. The color of the leaves in our neighborhood trees are really striking. Another thing I really like about fall, or October in particular, is Halloween. After Christmas and Thanksgiving its got to be my favorite holiday. And for more reasons than monster movies on TV and free candy, which isn't so free...

Oct 22, 2008

We've reached a real milestone. I've managed to get through 10 whole episodes. So I thought I would celebrate by treating you and myself with this special extra edition. So just sit back and enjoy for the next 30 minutes or so as we replay some of the best music played Blog Oklahoma Podcast. Music: