Dec 20, 2013
Merry Christmas everyone and have the happiest of New Year.
Dec 10, 2013
A special encore presentation of the Blog Oklahoma Podcast. Merry Christmas Everyone From Blog Oklahoma
Jul 28, 2013
Happy Birthday Blog Oklahoma.
Blog Oklahoma was founded on July 25, 2003, as a web ring for Oklahoma bloggers, and has grown into a diverse and interesting community of people who blog in and about Oklahoma.
This was a Google+ Hangout On Air Test.
Please feel free to join us on Google+ at
May 26, 2013
It's be a while and boy am I out of practice. Ha! So while I'm relearning how to do this, why don't you sit back and enjoy this special music episode. Welcome to Blog Oklahoma.
May 9, 2013
Refreshing the Blog Oklahoma Podcast cover art today. Also getting it ready for the new iTunes Store 1400 x 1400 pixel cover art requirement. I realize the text on the microphone might be unreadable at smaller sizes, but I'm okay with that, it adds a "little" something.