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Blog Oklahoma Podcast

Welcome to Blog Oklahoma 

The Blog Oklahoma Podcast is an open topic podcast, so I'm likely to talk about anything. Mostly though, I'll share writing, blogging, podcasting, and other tech information; attempt to keep everyone up on Oklahoma current events, especially when it's time to go vote; highlight some of Oklahoma's fascinating history; and I'll also let everyone in on my day to day life here in the Great State of Oklahoma.

And as always, thank you for listening to the Blog Oklahoma Podcast. – K. Latham

For show notes and more information about our podcast, please visit

Apr 13, 2021

Original Post:

Back when the podcast first began every tenth episode or so I would put out a pod-safe music compilation called the Music Spectacular. I really enjoyed putting together these episodes, and I must admit they are some of my favorites. I still listen to many of these songs today.

Someday I would love to do episodes like these again. I would just need to find new sources of pod-safe music. Mevio, the place I use to get these tunes, closed its doors years ago.

Feeling a bit nostalgic and just for fun I put together a playlist of some of these favorite episodes. There are 10 Music Spectacular episodes plus 3 bonus holiday episodes.

Download Playlist: PLS or M3U

Show notes for each episode:

I hope you enjoy this music as much as I do. And thank you for listening to the Blog Oklahoma Podcast.

PS: If you would like to listen to some of this music on Spotify, check out this playlist. Also you might find many of these tracks on Soundcloud.