Sep 29, 2008
Oklahoma Voter Registration Deadline For November 4th General
Election is Friday, October 10th.
State Elections Board
In The News:
Some of the latest headlines from the Oklahoma blog-o-sphere and
(Bum Bum Buuuum) the main stream media.
This week in Oklahoma History:
September 29, 1957, rock'n roll legends...
Sep 21, 2008
Blog Oklahoma Podcast 6: Midway
This is the part of the podcast where I give you an opening topic,
but today I can't think of what to say. I could go into the
news and talk about current events like the government bail out of
large companies, thoughts on the upcoming election, comment on the
Oklahoma state fair, which...
Sep 15, 2008
On these last few rainy days I got to thinking about my friends. Mostly the friends I've lost touch with. Its been time, distance, or both that has separated us from each other. Everyone gets busy with their lives. You loose track of time, and before you know it years have past since the last time you talked. Oh you...
Sep 7, 2008
Its time again for one of the greatest seasons of them all. No I'm not talking about autumn, I'm talking about Football Season. Teams across our nation are taking to the field in the hopes to punch through to the end zone just to hear one of the greatest of words, "Touchdown". This is the time of year when every...
Sep 1, 2008
Here we sit in the midst of American history. At the time I record this we are between two major party political conventions. The Democratic Party has just finished theirs with a historic night of music and great speeches. Now we get to see what the Republican Party will bring. Unfortunately we are also in the midst of...