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Blog Oklahoma Podcast

Welcome to Blog Oklahoma 

The Blog Oklahoma Podcast is an open topic podcast, so I'm likely to talk about anything. Mostly though, I'll share writing, blogging, podcasting, and other tech information; attempt to keep everyone up on Oklahoma current events, especially when it's time to go vote; highlight some of Oklahoma's fascinating history; and I'll also let everyone in on my day to day life here in the Great State of Oklahoma.

And as always, thank you for listening to the Blog Oklahoma Podcast. – K. Latham

For show notes and more information about our podcast, please visit

Mar 11, 2018

In this episode I talk about the impeachment of Oklahoma Governors Jack C. Walton and Henry S. Johnson. As well as give a civics lesson on what it takes to impeach and remove someone from office. Welcome to Blog Oklahoma.

## Show Notes: 

Oct 10, 2017

If you're already subscriber to the Blog Oklahoma Podcast, you can just ignore this message.  Thanks for subscribing and listening to the Blog Oklahoma Podcast. New episodes will be out soon.

This is a message to those of you subscribed to the Exploring Oklahoma History Podcast on iTunes.  Hi! It's been a while. How've...

Sep 17, 2017

In the wee hours of July 5th, 1943, it was like most nights in the sleepy little panhandle town of Boise City, Oklahoma. Welcome to Blog Oklahoma. 

## Show Notes:

Jan 22, 2017

In this week's episode we explore more Oklahoma history and why the markers says what they say what the say, and I share 5 great YouTube channels for you to checkout. Welcome to Blog Oklahoma.

## Show Notes:


Jul 31, 2016

In this episode we take another trip through Oklahoma history in what we like to call our two fold trip around southern Oklahoma. Welcome to Blog Oklahoma.

 ## Show Notes: